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The McKeesport Regional History & Heritage Center is seeking a MUSEUM MANAGER. Organized, fiscal-minded individual with experience in museum and/or nonprofit management. Experience in corporate giving, fundraising, and/or grant writing highly valued. Position also responsible for database management of collections, membership, sponsorships, etc. Up to 30 hours weekly. Wages negotiable based on training and experience. Email resume and cover letter to

The McKeesport Regional History & Heritage Center is seeking a RECEPTIONIST and RESEARCH ASSISTANT. Friendly, outgoing person who can commit 35 hours per week to office tasks, customer service, and research coordination at the Center through customer interactions. Must have basic computer skills and some experience in an office setting. Proficiency with Microsoft Office suite preferred. Wages negotiable based on training and experience. Email resume and cover letter to 12/31/24 - 1/31/25

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Reader: Is ‘Police’ Right Name for School Security?

May 23, 2024 |

By Submitted Report | Posted in: Letters to the Editor

Thomas Lorenchick of Versailles writes:

As per your recent article, (“MASD Board Questioned on School Policing,” May 10), I think that Ms. Walker-Montgomery raises some valid points in her analysis of the problems in McKeesport Area School District.

However, I would ask the question: Does this problem arise from nomenclature? I have seen the word “police” used on vehicles associated with institutions of higher education. They used to say “campus security.” Now, it seems this trend has trickled down to high schools.

The word “police,” in my opinion, should be reserved for municipalities, states and the military. And, yes, they are a necessary part of any civilized society, often laboring at a difficult job.

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Reader’s Viewpoint: Researcher Seeks Families
of WWII Vets Killed in Europe

March 24, 2021 |

By Submitted Report | Posted in: Letters to the Editor

(Bjarki Sigursveinsson photo via Wikimedia Commons)

Mike Thomas in Georgia writes:

I am writing a magazine article for a Memorial Day tribute and I need the community’s help. The article centers around the soldiers, sailors, merchant mariners and airmen buried in the Normandy American Cemetery in France. (There are no Marines in this cemetery.)

I grew up in McKeesport and graduated in 1970 from McKeesport Area High School. I attended Duquesne University, class of 1974, and entered the U.S. Air Force. I've been away every since, but my family still lives in the local area.

I'm a military historian and researcher and am asking if you would publish my note below or any other type of help would be appreciated.

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Reader’s Viewpoint: W.O. Council Should
Be ‘Embarrassed’ by Ordinance

March 19, 2021 |

By Submitted Report | Posted in: Letters to the Editor

Becky L. Morrow writes:

I am not an attorney — I am a veterinarian, scientist and former assistant professor of biology. 

Based on my experience with grading thousands of papers from undergraduate and graduate students, White Oak Council President Charles Davis and anyone else authoring the borough’s feral cat ordinance definitely deserve a failing grade. 

While my students write scientific papers not legislation, I think it is reasonable to expect both to be logical and consistent. Unfortunately, that is not the case with this document.

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Reader’s Viewpoint: Time for Action is Now

December 08, 2020 |

By Submitted Report | Posted in: Letters to the Editor

State Rep. Austin Davis writes:

In March, we had to ask the most of our residents: We asked them to stay home.

We asked them to forego their financial security, close businesses and have faith in the government to do the right thing.

“We’ve got your backs,” we said. “Programs will be available to you if you find yourself unemployed as a result of COVID-19.”

And while programs were made available through the federal CARES Act, so many residents and small business owners in my district alone have gone without, falling through the cracks created by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Reader’s Viewpoint: LaRosa Club Should Go to City

November 25, 2020 |

By Submitted Report | Posted in: Letters to the Editor

Donna Strangis Dowd writes about the announcement that the Boys & Girls Clubs of Western Pennsylvania intends to close the LaRosa of McKeesport Clubhouse:

I was greatly dismayed upon reading about the recent closure of the LaRosa Boys & Girls Club by Lisa Abel-Palmieri, chief executive officer.

There have been several attempts over the past two years to work with her to ensure the continued success of the club that Mr. Sam LaRosa created — literally from the ground up — 75 years ago. All of the efforts of the board and directors have fallen on deaf ears.

The club was not running at a deficit — it had a waiting list of children to take advantage of the programs and activities that were being offered by the club. So I have to ask, what is the true meaning behind the closure of a club that has a rich, storied 75-year past in the McKeesport community?

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Letters to the Editor

July 10, 2020 |

By Submitted Report | Posted in: Letters to the Editor

Portion of a December 1932 airplane navigation chart. (Library of Congress collection)

Curious about airport near Tinplate Hil

As a member of the “sport” aviation community, I was having a discussion with like-minded individuals about an aerial picture of the Duquesne bridge area of McKeesport that I saw years ago. 

In the picture was a small airport (a grass field) along the shore of the Monongahela River just downstream from the bridge on the McKeesport side.

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Reader’s Viewpoint: Bunola Resident
Thankful Brewster Intervened

February 03, 2020 |

By Submitted Report | Posted in: Letters to the Editor

April Andrejdes of Forward Twp. writes:

I would like to express my thanks and appreciation to state Sen. Jim Brewster for all his hard work and efforts to get Bunola River Road reopened as soon as a permanent power source is secured.

I was told by PennDOT that they were tired of having someone charge the solar-powered signal light every day, and they were tired of spending money to repair Bunola River Road. I asked why we could not have an electric signal light and was told it was too expensive.

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Reader’s Viewpoint: Resident Sees Red Over Bunola Road Closure

January 23, 2020 |

By Submitted Report | Posted in: Letters to the Editor

(Editor’s note: This letter was originally published with “name withheld upon request.” Patty has now asked us to use her name.)

Patty Smith of Elizabeth Twp. took issue with “PennDOT: Drivers Ignoring Signal on Bunola River Road,” a brief published Jan. 22:

I saw red when I saw that article. That is only a mere fraction of the story! PennDOT only gave you one side.

The reason drivers are ignoring the signals is because the signals blink red a lot of the time at both ends — and you cannot see the light at the other end.

People have no way of knowing if cars are going up or down the hill. They have to take their lives into their own hands and attempt to travel the stretch of road and pray they do not meet anyone coming in the opposite direction.

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Readers’ Viewpoints

December 20, 2019 |

By Submitted Report | Posted in: Letters to the Editor

Christmas lights much appreciated

I drove past the "Daily News Building" recently and was so pleased to see the iconic neon Christmas lights in the windows. It brought tears to my eyes. Thank you to whomever had the foresight to save these lights. They are so much a part of McKeesport. Merry Christmas!

—Connie Andres, Pittsburgh

Editor’s Note: We passed your message along to McKeesport Mayor Mike Cherepko and city electrician Tom Rosso.

Former resident appreciates obituaries

I thank you so much for being able to see local obituaries, living in the Altoona area. This is a great service.

—Pat Stanley, Roaring Spring, Pa.

Compare scores of charter, public schools

Regarding the article “School Officials Seek Relief, Changes to Charter School Laws” (Dec. 11): Are charter schools doing well by their students? Compare scores etc against public schools before making any decisions!

—Dena Swantek Benko, White Oak

Editor’s Note: You can check out test scores and historical trends for all public and charter schools in Pennsylvania by going to the state’s website at

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Letters to the Editor: 'Red-Light Cameras' Are a Cash-Grab

June 12, 2019 |

By Submitted Report | Posted in: Letters to the Editor

James Sikorski Jr. of Luzerne County writes regarding June 4's story, "$344K State Grant Will Fund City-Wide Safety, Traffic Improvements."

Sikorski is "Pennsylvania Advocate" for the "National Motorists Association," which describes itself as a "grassroots alliance of motorists joined together to protect our rights."

It should be noted that versions of this same letter have been sent to other publications around the state:

Sadly, the speed kills myth is alive and well in Pennsylvania. A real 25-state analysis was done of NHTSA data, which showed that 1.6 percent of crashes are caused by excessive speed. Barely above zero, then.

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