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Reader: Is ‘Police’ Right Name for School Security?
Letter to the Editor
By Submitted Report
The Tube City Almanac
May 23, 2024
Posted in: Letters to the Editor
Thomas Lorenchick of Versailles writes:
As per your recent article, (“MASD Board Questioned on School Policing,” May 10), I think that Ms. Walker-Montgomery raises some valid points in her analysis of the problems in McKeesport Area School District.
However, I would ask the question: Does this problem arise from nomenclature? I have seen the word “police” used on vehicles associated with institutions of higher education. They used to say “campus security.” Now, it seems this trend has trickled down to high schools.
The word “police,” in my opinion, should be reserved for municipalities, states and the military. And, yes, they are a necessary part of any civilized society, often laboring at a difficult job.
Perhaps, all signage should be re-converted to “school security” at MASD. Unfortunately, there will be times when the local police will have to be called in. Children need to learn respect for authority in any case.
At the same time, you don’t want them learning in a “threatening environment.” Cadets at West Point take an oath, but they don't have MPs patrolling the halls of the dormitories.
With the breakdown of the family in our society, everyone has to work together to re-learn honor, the chain-of-command and “to do the right thing when nobody’s looking.”
—Thomas Lorenchick, Versailles
Tube City Community Media is committed to printing viewpoints from residents of the McKeesport area and surrounding municipalities on issues of importance to the Mon-Yough area.
Commentaries are accepted at the discretion of the editor and may be edited for content or length.
To submit a commentary for consideration, please write to Tube City Community Media, 409 Walnut St., Suite 200, McKeesport 15132, or email tubecitytiger@gmail.com. Include contact information and your real name. A pen name may be substituted with approval of the editor.

Originally published May 23, 2024.
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