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Reader’s Viewpoint: Researcher Seeks Families
of WWII Vets Killed in Europe
By Submitted Report
The Tube City Almanac
March 24, 2021
Posted in: Letters to the Editor
(Bjarki Sigursveinsson photo via Wikimedia Commons)
Mike Thomas in Georgia writes:
I am writing a magazine article for a Memorial Day tribute and I need the community’s help. The article centers around the soldiers, sailors, merchant mariners and airmen buried in the Normandy American Cemetery in France. (There are no Marines in this cemetery.)
I grew up in McKeesport and graduated in 1970 from McKeesport Area High School. I attended Duquesne University, class of 1974, and entered the U.S. Air Force. I've been away every since, but my family still lives in the local area.
I'm a military historian and researcher and am asking if you would publish my note below or any other type of help would be appreciated.
I know Coxswain Amin Isbir of McKeesport, who was killed in action June 6, 1944, is buried there. Two others are Private John L. Morgan and Private David F. Rae, both killed in July 1944.
If you know of any family members, neighbors, acquaintances, or anybody else that you know or think were buried in the Normandy American Cemetery can you give me their names? If you’re not sure, send me the name anyway.
There are a total of 9,388 graves and the state of Pennsylvania has the dubious honor of having the greatest number of people buried in this particular cemetery — 1,071. Preliminary research says approximately 95 people from the Mon Valley area were killed in World War II.
Mike Thomas can be reached at ptccoach@yahoo.com or (404) 384-9112.
Tube City Community Media is committed to printing viewpoints from residents of the McKeesport area and surrounding municipalities on issues of importance to the Mon-Yough area.
Commentaries are accepted at the discretion of the editor and may be edited for content or length.
To submit a commentary for consideration, please write to P.O. Box 94, McKeesport 15134, or email tubecitytiger -at - gmail -dot- com. Include contact information and your real name. A pen name may be substituted with approval of the editor.

Originally published March 24, 2021.
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