County Workers Placing Rabies Vaccine in Region

August 07, 2017 |

By Submitted Report | Posted in: Announcements

For the 16th consecutive year, workers from the Allegheny County Health Department are placing rabies vaccine baits in an attempt to curb the spread of the disease.

Now through Aug. 11, more than 300,000 of the baits are being distributed across the county by health department employees on foot and in vehicles, said Melissa Wade, health department spokeswoman.

The baits are specifically designed to be eaten by raccoons and inoculate them with the rabies vaccine, Wade said. Residents should confine their pets to their property or keep them on leashes, she said. Although the rabies baits are not harmful to dogs and cats, county officials want them to be eaten by raccoons --- not pets.

The department is also asking the public to make a special effort to bring any food indoors that raccoons might eat, and to make sure that garbage containers kept outdoors have secure lids.

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Community Media Board Elects Directors, Officers

August 07, 2017 |

By Advertising | Posted in: Announcements

Tube City Community Media Inc. has elected its board of directors and officers for 2017-18.

The non-profit corporation held its annual meeting on Sunday at White Oak Park. Tube City Community Media owns and operates the websites Tube City Online, Tube City Almanac and McKeesport and Mon-Yough Obituaries, as well as Internet radio station WMCK.FM.

It also produces a weekly 30-minute podcast, "Two Rivers, 30 Minutes," available from iTunes and other services, and which is heard Sunday morning on WEDO (810) in McKeesport and WZUM (1550) radio in Braddock.

Members of the board of directors for 2017-18 are Alycia Bencloski, Andi Cartwright, Doug Goffus, Bob Janis, Dan Malesky, Mike Mauer, Judy Rosenfeld, Tom Schroll Jr., Jennifer Sopko, Chris Stillwell and Jason Togyer.

Goffus was elected chair of the board, Sopko was elected secretary and Bencloski was elected treasurer, said Togyer, who also serves as executive director.


Nominations Extended for Annual 'Women of Achievement' Award

August 07, 2017 |

By Submitted Report | Posted in: Announcements

Nominations are still being accepted for the annual "Women of Achievement" Awards, presented by the Mon River Fleet.

A spokesperson said that the deadline for the awards has been extended until Aug. 11.

The annual Mon River Fleet Women of Achievement Awards Dinner recognizes and honors Women of Excellence in their field for outstanding contributions that have impacted the Mon Valley region through their integrity and compassion for all, the spokesperson said.

All proceeds benefit the State Health Improvement Plan, or "SHIP," initiatives in Braddock, Clairton, Duquesne, McKeesport and surrounding communities within the Mon Valley.

The fleet partners with more than 300 member agencies located in the Mon Valley to offer programs and services that concentrate on the well-being and needs of residents.

Nominations should be sent to Eliana Latterman, director of development, McKeesport Hospital Foundation, 1500 Fifth Ave., McKeesport 15132, or emailed to

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County Program Urges Residents to 'Get the Lead Out'

August 02, 2017 |

By Submitted Report | Posted in: Announcements

Mon-Yough area residents --- especially those who care for small children and who live in homes or apartments built before 1978 --- are being encouraged to get their homes inspected for lead paint hazards under a free program being offered by ACTION-Housing.

Lu Ethel Nesbit, who administers ACTION's McKeesport Weatherization office, said the Lead-Safe Homes program will help up to 175 families in Allegheny County identify and cope with lead paint hazards in their homes.

For more information, call (412) 227-5700; visit the program website; or email This program is only dealing with lead paint, not with lead-based plumbing fixtures, according to ACTION-Housing.

Lead was commonly used as a pigment in residential paints. Although lead paint has been banned for residential use since 1978, more than 90 percent of the houses in McKeesport were built before that ban took effect, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

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Entertainment Schedule for International Village Released

July 27, 2017 |

By Jason Togyer | Posted in: Announcements

(Photo above courtesy Harmonia.)

Fireworks will wrap up the first night of McKeesport's 58th International Village, Aug. 15, 16 and 17 in Renziehausen Park.

Mike "Mikey Dee" Dorich, entertainment coordinator for the festival, released the entertainment schedule this week.

Dancing will be provided in the Jakomas Blue-Top Pavilion each night from 5 to 9 p.m. Scheduled to appear are the Balkan variety band Harmonia (above) on Tuesday, the kolos and czardases of the Gipsy Stringz (below) on Wednesday, and polkas with Johnny Koenig on Thursday.

(Photo courtesy Gipsy Stringz)

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Ninth-Annual 'Village for Kids' Planned Aug. 14

July 25, 2017 |

By Submitted Report | Posted in: Announcements

The ninth annual International Village for Kids will be held from 12 noon to 4 p.m. Aug. 14 at the Lions Bandshell in Renziehausen Park, a spokeswoman said.

All children under age 6 should be supervised by an adult. Activities will include free food, games and crafts, music, exercises and a visit from a costumed character from the movie "Trolls" from 1 to 3 p.m.

In addition, inflatables will be open and McKeesport Police Department will be available to fingerprint children.

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White Oak American Legion Posts August Oldies Dances

July 25, 2017 |

By Submitted Report | Posted in: Announcements, White Oak News

American Legion General Smedley D. Butler Post 701 in White Oak will hold oldies dances on Aug. 5 and 19 from 7 to 11 p.m., a spokesman said. Admission is $5.
The legion is located at 2813 Capital St. For more information, call (724) 984-6611.

Library Hosts Blood Pressure Screenings Aug. 14

July 25, 2017 |

By Submitted Report | Posted in: Announcements

UPMC Senior Services will do free blood pressure screenings at 9 a.m. Aug. 14 at the Carnegie Library of McKeesport, 1507 Library Ave., a spokeswoman said.

The blood pressure screenings are part of UPMC's Living at Home Program, which provides care for older adults and makes referrals for a range of services, including home delivered meals, grocery shopping, housekeeping and yard work.

The screenings will be done in the fiction room on the main floor of the library. For more information, call (412) 672-0625.


Clairton Works Will Test Emergency Equipment Tuesday

July 24, 2017 |

By Submitted Report | Posted in: Announcements

(Photo courtesy U.S. Steel.)

U.S. Steel will test emergency equipment at its Clairton Works on Tuesday, a spokeswoman said.

Meghan Cox, manager of corporate communications, said the plant will begin testing sirens, warning lights and other alarms at 9 a.m. and continuing until 1 p.m.

Local agencies, including Clairton police and fire departments and Allegheny County 9-1-1, have been notified of the tests, she said. The tests may be audible in Clairton as well as surrounding communities.

Cox said U.S. Steel tests emergency notification systems once per year "to protect the safety of our employees and the surrounding communities in the event of an actual emergency."

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Job Fair Invites Applicants to 'Jump Start' Their Careers

July 20, 2017 |

By Submitted Report | Posted in: Announcements

A job fair in Homestead on Aug. 4 will match "real employers with real jobs," according to its sponsors.

"Jump Start Your Job Search," sponsored by Mon Valley Initiative and the Southwestern Pennsylvania Re-Entry Coalition, will include 11 different employers and five different job training programs, a spokeswoman said.

The event will be held from 12 noon to 2 p.m. at the Allegheny Intermediate Unit, 475 E. Waterfront Drive, at the Waterfront shopping complex.

A special, by-invitation-only session is being held from 9 to 11 a.m. Everyone who attends will have a chance to win one of five $20 gift cards.

Camille Smith, MVI workforce development specialist and financial coach, said attendees should bring their resumes, if they have one, and dress neatly.

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