October 27, 2018 |
By Submitted Report | Posted in: Announcements, North Versailles Twp. News
The North Versailles Twp. children’s Halloween party will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday at the community center, 1401 Greensburg Ave., township Commissioner Tracy Yusko said on behalf of the parks and recreation department.
October 22, 2018 |
By Richard Finch Jr. | Posted in: North Versailles Twp. News
A missing child who was located after a search in May wrote a letter of apology to first responders from North Versailles Twp.
At the October meeting, township Commissioner Russell Saula read aloud from the letter sent to police and firefighters by Christopher Ramos, 8, who went missing for several hours in May, but was located safe in Wilmerding.
Ramos also sent police and firefighters cookies as a token of his gratitude, Saula said.
In other business, commissioners voted to accept a $25,000 grant for improvements to a restroom at West Wilmerding Park to make it compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
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October 21, 2018 |
By Richard Finch Jr. | Posted in: North Versailles Twp. News
Build it, and people will come --- at least that's the hope of Sam Juliano, vice president of the North Versailles Twp. commissioners. He wants to see about 90 acres of undeveloped land in the township's Green Valley section turned into a multi-purpose park.
At their October meeting, commissioners voted to enter into an agreement with TARQUINCoRE, LLC of Pittsburgh, which represents the property's owners, to accept the donation of nearly 90 acres of land currently owned by a real estate trust.
Commissioners George Beswick and Daryl Mitchell were absent. The land is located off of Maryland Avenue.
According to Juliano, the issue has been under discussion for several months. ”Now it's back on the table,” he said. ”Our commissioners did an assessment of this generous offer and determined there is an interest in acquiring ownership of five parcels.”
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September 26, 2018 |
By Richard Finch Jr. | Posted in: North Versailles Twp. News
North Versailles Twp. commissioners are considering a request from people in the Arlington neighborhood for emergency repairs to an alley.
At this month's meeting, Ward 2 Commissioner Daryl Mitchell said the alley between Union and Broadway avenues is so bad, some residents can't get to their homes.
“One of the residents there can’t even back his car up, without going into a gutter --- that’s how bad it is,” Mitchell said. "With the rain we had recently, it has gotten worse ... I know we set a budget, but with all this rain we’ve had, it’s caused a lot of damage, all I’m asking is there some way we can help make some type of improvement in that alley.”
Commission President Sam Juliano said repairing the alley was on the township's paving “wish list” earlier this year, but it was deleted for budgetary concerns.
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September 23, 2018 |
By Richard Finch Jr. | Posted in: North Versailles Twp. News
(Submitted photo courtesy Martino family)
A North Versailles Twp. student’s landscape gardening project has brought him one step closer to earning the prestigious rank of Eagle Scout.
Last week at the township commissioners' regular monthly meeting, board President Frank Bivens presented Noah Martino, 17, with a certificate of recognition and accompanying plaque for successfully completing the North Versailles Park Beautification Project in June.
“I have one merit badge that I am finishing over the next two months, and then I will officially get the Eagle rank,” Martino said.
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September 08, 2018 |
By Submitted Report | Posted in: Announcements, North Versailles Twp. News
Work begins this week on reparing, paving and rehabiltating Greensburg Pike between West Wilmerding and Turtle Creek, a county spokesperson said.
The work will require the temporary closure of the northbound side of Greensburg Pike from Central Avenue (just below Rossi's Pop-Up Market) to the Greensburg Pike bridge.
The posted detour for traffic heading from North Versailles Twp. into Turtle Creek takes motorists over Warren Avenue, Route 30, Linden Avenue, Beech Avenue, Braddock Avenue and Penn Avenue Extension.
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August 22, 2018 |
By Josh Rizzo | Posted in: North Versailles Twp. News, Sports
Easing into the 2018 football season won’t be an option for East Allegheny.
In what promises to be a schedule with plenty of obstacles, the Wildcats may face their two toughest tests before Labor Day.
East Allegheny opens the season at 7 p.m. Friday by taking on defending Class 1A PIAA champion Jeannette. The following week the Wildcats will go on the road to Steel Valley -- which is ranked in the top five in the PIAA in Class 2A -- for their Allegheny Conference opener.
“You’ll be hard-pressed to find anyone in the state that has a tougher first two games of the season than us,” East Allegheny coach Dom Pecora said. “But we’ll show up every Friday ready to play.”
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August 20, 2018 |
By Richard Finch Jr. | Posted in: North Versailles Twp. News
Planning is underway for next year’s celebration of the 150th anniversary of North Versailles Twp.
At their monthly meeting, township commissioners announced that the event will be a week-long celebration beginning in late July 2019.
“We're looking for people to come and help us form a committee so we can start planning, so spread the word,” Commissioner Tracy Yusko said. “We’re hoping to get the community involved because it’s a pretty big deal --- it will be like a carnival.”
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July 30, 2018 |
By Staff Reports | Posted in: McKeesport and Region News, North Versailles Twp. News
A fox discovered on Fifth Avenue in North Versailles Twp. has tested positive for rabies, the Allegheny County Health Department said Monday.
The fox was found last week in the 3300 block, just past Westinghouse Avenue, according to Ryan Scarpino, health department spokesman.
Meanwhile, East McKeesport police announced Monday night that volunteers from the health department and the U.S. Department of Agriculture will be spreading baits laced with rabies vaccine in the area beginning Aug. 3 and continuing through Aug. 17.
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July 25, 2018 |
By Submitted Report | Posted in: Announcements, North Versailles Twp. News
(Submitted photo: City of McKeesport)
The long-awaited reconstruction of Bowman Avenue in the city's Highland Grove neighborhood began this week. Above, McKeesport city Administrator Tom Maglicco and Mayor Michael Cherepko visit the construction site.
A spokeswoman said no through traffic is allowed on Bowman Avenue while the work is being done. The posted detour takes motorists inbound to McKeesport from North Versailles Twp. from East Pittsburgh McKeesport Boulevard down Westinghouse Avenue to Fifth Avenue.
Drivers heading toward North Versailles from McKeesport should use Fifth Avenue to Route 30 or Westinghouse Avenue, the spokeswoman said.
Residents of the neighborhood may use Elm Street to access Cronemeyer, Highland and Bowman avenues.
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