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Youth Found By NVT First Responders Writes Thank-You Letter

By Richard Finch Jr.
The Tube City Almanac
October 22, 2018
Posted in: North Versailles Twp. News

A missing child who was located after a search in May wrote a letter of apology to first responders from North Versailles Twp.

At the October meeting, township Commissioner Russell Saula read aloud from the letter sent to police and firefighters by Christopher Ramos, 8, who went missing for several hours in May, but was located safe in Wilmerding.

Ramos also sent police and firefighters cookies as a token of his gratitude, Saula said.

In other business, commissioners voted to accept a $25,000 grant for improvements to a restroom at West Wilmerding Park to make it compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The grant from the Commonwealth Financing Authority was arranged by state Sen. Jim Brewster and state Rep. Joe Markosek, officials said.

Commissions also accepted a $75,000 grant for renovations to Fairhaven Park.

Commissioners approved a collective bargaining agreement with employees of the township's road crew for 2018 through 2021. The employees are represented by Utility Workers Local Union 537.

Commissioners also approved a motion presented by Saula to approve a 3 percent raise to all non-union employees for a one-year period, retroactive to Jan. 1, 2018 and ending Dec. 31, 2018.

During September, North Versailles Twp. police department received 826 calls, made 25 arrests and housed two inmates from East Pittsburgh, eight from East McKeesport and five from Turtle Creek. Firefighters answered 47 calls during September, Saula reported.

Payments in the amount of $2,590.99 to West Wilmerding VFC and $1,864.92 for Crestas VFC from the 2018 Fire Tax Money were approved.

A motion was approved to release $42,660.94 of 2018 state aid to the township Volunteer Fireman's Relief Association.

Richard Finch Jr. is a freelance writer who is covering McKeesport Area schools and North Versailles Twp. for Tube City Almanac. He may be reached at finchr43@gmail.com.

Originally published October 22, 2018.

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