Tube City Community Media Inc. is seeking freelance writers to help cover city council, news and feature stories in McKeesport, Duquesne, White Oak and the neighboring communities. High school and college students seeking work experience are encouraged to apply; we are willing to work with students who need credit toward class assignments. Please send cover letter, resume, two writing samples and the name of a reference (an employer, supervisor, teacher, etc. -- not a relative) to tubecitytiger@gmail.com.
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White Oak Council Announces Approval of PennDOT Funding
By Cami DiBattista
The Tube City Almanac
July 18, 2018
Posted in: White Oak News
Funding has been approved by the state Department of Transportation’s Green Light-Go program to White Oak in the amount of $601,808, council announced this week.
The program, which is designed to reimburse local municipalities for signal upgrades and intersection safety improvements, should allow for an upgrade to all six traffic lights in the borough, officials said.
In other business, Mayor Ina Jean Marton announced that the White Oak Police Department received a compliance monitoring visit from the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency on July 3. The visit was to review how juveniles are being handled within the department.
The visit resulted in no violations or problems requiring formal resolutions, Marton said. The department appears to be in full compliance with core protections identified within federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 2002.
“We were commended for our hard work and dedication toward ensuring how juveniles are being handled in a manner that is consistent with federal requirements,” Marton said. “I would like to thank Juvenile Officer Ken Wehrli and Chief Mark Sargent for their work to keep our department within compliance standards.”
Council approved a $200 donation to support the White Oak Rotary Scholarship Fund’s annual golf outing.
A motion was passed to authorize Borough Engineer Shane Michael to develop and advertise the design specifications for the Heritage Hill Pool ADA Accessibility Project Phase 1 at a cost not to exceed $5,000.
Additionally, a motion was passed by council to advertise for a public hearing for the demolition of the following structures in White Oak: 738 O’Neil Blvd.; 608 Osborne St.; 606 New Jersey St.; 700 New Jersey St., 2420 O’Neil Blvd., and 1828 California Ave. The hearing is expected to take place prior to council’s regular meeting in August.
Police activity for the month of June included a totally 637 incidents resulting in 16 arrests. Arrests included three assaults, nine drug arrests, one DUI, one for making false identification to law enforcement, one for theft and one for persons not to possess firearms. Seventy-four traffic violations were also reported.
Cami DiBattista is a freelance writer who covers municipal news from White Oak and Duquesne and other topics.
Originally published July 18, 2018.
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