Tube City Community Media Inc. is seeking freelance writers to help cover city council, news and feature stories in McKeesport, Duquesne, White Oak and the neighboring communities. High school and college students seeking work experience are encouraged to apply; we are willing to work with students who need credit toward class assignments. Please send cover letter, resume, two writing samples and the name of a reference (an employer, supervisor, teacher, etc. -- not a relative) to tubecitytiger@gmail.com.
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Car Show Sept. 20 at McKees Point Marina
By Submitted Report
The Tube City Almanac
August 27, 2015
Posted in: Announcements

The McKeesport Trail Commission and McKee's Point Marina will host a car show from 12 to 4:30 p.m. Sept. 20 along the Youghiogheny River.
Registration is $7 per vehicle.
This annual event is sponsored by the Trail Commission with all proceeds benefiting the McKeesport section of the Great Allegheny Passage.
The first 100 cars will be awarded a commemorative dashboard plaque and trophies will be awarded in categories that include "Best of Show." The trophies are being donated by state Sen. Jim Brewster.
For more information or to register, call (412) 523-2972 or email brewleah7717@yahoo.com.Originally published August 27, 2015.
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