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NV Twp. Resident Complains About Right-of-Way Maintenance

By Richard Finch Jr.
The Tube City Almanac
August 26, 2019
Posted in: North Versailles Twp. News

Jill Moran wants North Versailles Twp. to maintain the right-of-way adjacent to the property she and her husband purchased in January on Diane Drive.

“I own this house and we take (preserving) it very seriously,” she told commissioners at the Aug. 15 meeting. “In March we moved in and have been working hard to maintain the property, especially the yard.”

Moran said she is upset that she received a notice from the township regarding the right-of-way adjacent to her property.

“Some commissioner complained they couldn’t see when they pulled their car out on Diane and Foster, to the right, which is our property,” she said. “I don’t appreciate being welcomed to the township with a complaint that was not accurate.”

Online tax records show that Moran and Justin Kovacs purchased the property for $165,000 on Jan. 23.

Moran said she owns a Mini-Cooper and could clearly see --- in her opinion, she said, there was nothing obstructing her view. “To the left is Fairhaven Drive, which has gigantic bushes, very well-groomed, very beautiful and they definitely obstruct the road,” she said.

Moran said her property survey shows the right-of-way is owned by the township and should be kept up by the township.

“If it’s on our (right of way), we will take care of it.” said township Commissioner Joe Bivens, president of the board.

Liquor License Approved for Lincoln Highway Bar and Restaurant: In other business, township commissioners voted unanimously to approve a liquor license transfer from Monroeville to North Versailles for property located at 1906 Lincoln Highway. Commissioner Daryl Mitchell was not present.

Attorney Marc Reisman of the Pittsburgh law firm Gelman and Reisman spoke to commissioners on behalf of business owner Sheldon Klasman, asking commissioners to approve the liquor license transfer for Monroeville Sports Bar, LLC.

Klasman purchased the property, which has had a variety of uses, including a pizza shop, an Italian market and an Amish deli, and he plans to open a bar and restaurant.

Klasman told commissioners he expects to be a good neighbor. “If the license transfer is approved, I will be responsible and respectful to the community,” Klasman said. “I’d like to make money, pay my taxes and keep everybody happy.”

Klasman, who grew up in Monroeville said he bought the building because he didn't want a landlord to be his boss.

“I have the township, the health department and the liquor control board as my boss,” he said. “I will bring my passion into being successful, responsible, accountable to everybody here.”

Richard Finch Jr. is a freelance writer who covers news from McKeesport Area School District and North Versailles Twp. for Tube City Almanac. He may be reached at finchr43@gmail.com.

Originally published August 26, 2019.

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