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OK, Voters: Time to Vote
By Bill Phillips
The Tube City Almanac
November 02, 2020
Posted in: Politics & Elections
(Prachatai illustration, licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
OK, Tube City Online readers — as Jeff Probst from “Survivor” would say, “it is time to vote.”
All Allegheny County polling places are expected to be open on Tuesday. Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. By law, anyone in line at 8 p.m. will be allowed to vote.
To find your polling place, visit this website and enter your address.
Poll workers will be provided masks, gloves, face shields and hand sanitizer. Additionally, there will be clear plastic shields at the sign-in tables. There will also be cleaning materials at the polling place, tape to mark off six-foot distances for voters waiting in line, and extra staff to help enforce the provisions.
Voters will be asked to wear a face covering in compliance with the state order. Those who arrive without a face covering will be offered one.
Absentee ballots
If you have not mailed your absentee ballot in by now, experts are cautioning that you should not mail it. You should take your ballot to your county elections office:
Allegheny County voters should bring your ballots to the lobby of the County Office Building, 542 Forbes Ave., downtown Pittsburgh.
The lobby will be open for ballot return from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday (Election Day). There are spaces with attendants available on Forbes Avenue for voters to pull up and return their ballot. Voters are reminded that they may only return their own ballot and that masks or face coverings are required inside the building.
(Voters who live in Westmoreland County — North Huntingdon Twp. and West Newton, for instance — the Election Bureau is located at Courthouse Square, 2 N. Main St., Suite 109, Greensburg. The office will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Election Day.)
Lost your ballot? Changed your mind?
What if you received an absentee ballot, but haven’t mailed it, and cannot make it to Pittsburgh?
You can vote at your polling place. You must take your ballot and declaration envelope with you to the polls and surrender them to the poll workers. You’ll also be asked to sign a form confirming that choice.
What if you lost your absentee ballot or never received it?
You may go to your polling place, but will have to vote by provisional ballot which will be reviewed and counted as part of the return board process.
If you have questions, call your county elections office. In Allegheny, (412) 350-4500, or in Westmoreland, (724) 830-3150.
Bill Phillips is board chair of Tube City Community Media Inc.
Originally published November 02, 2020.
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