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W.O. Makes Plans for New Year
By Sarah Turnbull
The Tube City Almanac
September 23, 2021
Posted in: White Oak News
The borough building will be ready in time for Election Day, White Oak council announced Monday.
Borough engineer Kenneth Hillman told council that renovations are nearly complete.
“Flat roof work on the borough building will start tomorrow, Sep. 21. The insulation should arrive by mid-November. Signs are being constructed, the sidewalks and lighting are in…it’s just around the corner,” Hillman said.
In related news, plans for the borough’s 2022 street paving program are underway, and various properties are being surveyed, he said.
“After Heritage Hill Pool is surveyed, the borough building and its surrounding properties will be surveyed as well,” Hillman said.
Filling in for parks and recreation chair Julie Opferman, Councilman George Pambacas announced several upcoming events.
“We’re in talks for having our Halloween event on Oct. 30, as well as an evening with Santa,” Pambacas said. “We’ll also start advertising to the community shortly for volunteers for the borough’s 75th anniversary celebration.”
In other business, council voted to demolish the properties at 2717 and 2736 Laurel Lane using the funds from the Act 152 Blight Removal Program of Allegheny County; and to authorize the borough manager to sell old public works equipment.
Solicitor Patricia McGrail reported that the number of resolved delinquent garbage accounts in the borough is increasing every month. In addition, the borough is trying to solve several code enforcement issues “without going to the magistrate,” she said.
The next council workshop meeting will be held at 6:45 p.m. Oct. 11 at the White Oak Athletic Association. Members of the public are welcome, and residents of White Oak can make public comments.
Sarah Turnbull is a freelance writer in Irwin. She can be reached at sarahturnbull323@gmail.com.
Originally published September 23, 2021.
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