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Positivity Projects Boost Teacher, Student Morale

Messages of encouragement, hope decorate halls at McKeesport Area H.S.

By Vickie Babyak
The Tube City Almanac
March 01, 2022
Posted in: McKeesport and Region News

McKeesport Area High School staff placed positive notes of encouragement in school hallways to boost students' morale. (Vickie Babyak photo for Tube City Almanac)

After two years, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to cause shortages of teachers, substitute teachers and bus drivers for school districts across the country — and McKeesport Area School District has been no exception.

So a group of teachers, counselors and staff decided to come together and brainstorm ideas on how to uplift everyone's morale at McKeesport Area High School. They looked for budget-friendly activities to start a wave of positive emotions.

The “positivity project” was born.

“Students have had to adapt to new ways in accessing their education and teachers have had to learn new ways in delivering that education," said Sherri Geyer, school counselor. “Mental health and morale get lost in the process.”

School social worker Paige Flore said COVID-19 has impacted staff and students in many different ways. She’s been concerned about increased mental health issues among students and staff. Flore is part of the group of concerned adults plan to do something positive every month.

The first positivity project was to motivate teachers, paraprofessionals and other staff members.

Staff break rooms were arranged to be more inviting with tablecloths, chocolates, mints and pleasant aromas. Also, positive affirmations were hung around bathroom mirrors to increase self-compassion and aid in stress-management.

“I hope we encourage an optimistic mindset for students so they are prepared to learn when they walk into their classrooms,” said high school teacher Kris Nemchick. “With all the struggles our students and staff deal with, it’s nice to read inspiring words.”

Notes from teachers at McKeesport Area High School remind students to dream big, work hard and realize they can be successful. (Vickie Babyak photo for Tube City Almanac)

After the first project, faculty wanted to line the hallways with positive notes for everyone to appreciate, especially for students, Flore said.

“Times are difficult now and occasionally, people need a positive message to brighten their day,” she said.

Teacher Jen Knight said she’s overheard students reading the encouraging notes and saying “they are everywhere!” Staff members said they hope the project puts smiles on faces and motivates others to think of ways to make people smile.

Some students are finding specific notes and taking them off the wall to give to other students or to a favorite teacher.

“I hope the positive messages assist students and staff to see the bigger picture and realize everything will be okay, even when days are extremely difficult,” Flore said.

Vickie Babyak is a photographer and freelance writer from Dravosburg. She may be reached at vbabyak@yahoo.com.

Originally published March 01, 2022.

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