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Rent, Tax Rebate Program Deadline Extended
By Submitted Report
The Tube City Almanac
June 15, 2022
Posted in: Announcements
The deadline for older adults and residents with disabilities to apply for rent or property tax rebates has been extended until Dec. 31, the state Department of Revenue has announced.
The state’s Property Tax & Rent Rebate Program benefits eligible Pennsylvanians age 65 or older, widows and widowers age 50 or older, and people with disabilities age 18 or older. The income limit is $35,000 a year for homeowners and $15,000 annually for renters. Half of Social Security income is excluded.
The maximum standard rebate is $650, but supplemental rebates for certain qualifying homeowners can boost rebates to $975.
State Rep. Austin Davis of McKeesport said that even though the deadline has been extended, residents should submit their applications as soon as possible.
Davis said his legislative offices in McKeesport and Munhall are available to assist residents with their applications. Those interested should have proper identification, proof of 2021 income and either a statement of 2021 rent paid, or a receipt for their 2021 property taxes.
To make an appointment, call Davis’s McKeesport office at (412) 664-0035 or the Munhall office at (412) 476-3046. More information about the program is available here.
“I’m pleased to share this good news that will allow more eligible older adults and low-income families in the Mon Valley to take advantage of this important program,” Davis said.
Originally published June 15, 2022.
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