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It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like ... Halloween?

Crowd braved rain Oct. 29 for Masons’ fourth-annual trunk-or-treat

By Vickie Babyak
The Tube City Almanac
November 17, 2023
Posted in: State & Region

Editor’s Note: File this under the department of “better late than never.” It’s been a whirlwind few weeks here at TCCMI world news headquarters. My apologies to Vickie and the Masons of Lodge 765; I’ll try to do better. (At least we got this posted before Thanksgiving, right?) —Jason

(All photos: Vickie Babyak for Tube City Almanac)

Despite cloudy skies and intermittent rain, families enjoyed the fourth-annual Trunk or Treat held Oct. 29 by Harry S Truman Masonic Lodge 765 in Dravosburg

Lodge secretary Rob Stone said he had concerns about the rain but said, “It all worked out and the kids are enjoying themselves.”

Adults decorated their vehicles from a cute monster theme to a spooky funeral home theme and passed out candy to delighted children dressed up in their trick or treat costumes. The Shriner Clowns entertained the youngsters and made balloon sculptures underneath the lodge pavilion.

“We’ve been doing this for four years and this is the first year we have an award for the best-decorated vehicle,” said John Stein, past master of the lodge.

“Lilith VonNightshadeamon” from Penn Hills owns a hearse. She said it is her daily ride and the funeral home sign is an antique. "I thought it would be fun for me to come out with my mom and we were invited after attending a car show in July," she said. She won the best-decorated vehicle trophy at the Trunk or Treat held Oct. 29 by Harry S Truman Masonic Lodge 765 in Dravosburg.

11-year old Hunter from Port Vue, who came dressed as the Grim Reaper, thought he’d have a little fun with “Lilith” and her mom.

Holly Watson of Turtle Creek said, “I thought this was something nice for me to do with my kids.”

Past Master Joe Yeager is a member of Lodge 765. He and his family created a honey bee theme because he is a beekeeper. “I came out to support the lodge, have fun and have a safe place to bring my daughter trick or treating,” he said.

15-year-old Imogen and 10-year-old Bailey from Turtle Creek said they had a lot of fun trick or treating and helping their mom pass out treats.

Ashley Cale and her family decorated their car with a “Jurassic Park” theme. Cale said, “We come every year and this year we could decorate and pass out candy.”

A Shriner Clown entertains a family with his balloon art.

Karen Svetz, senior constituent service advisor for state Rep. Matt Gergely, came out to the Trunk or Treat event to represent the office.

Vickie Babyak is a photographer and freelance writer from Dravosburg. She may be reached at vbabyak@yahoo.com.

Originally published November 17, 2023.

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