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$50K Grant Will Target Storm Basins in Wilmerding
By T.J. Martin
The Tube City Almanac
February 14, 2024
Posted in: Wilmerding News
Wilmerding Borough has received a $50,000 grant to use to repair rainwater catch basins in the borough.
Borough Engineer Brad Branthoover of Glenn Engineering & Associates, Ltd. told the borough council at their monthly meeting that he has a list of 27 basins that could use repair.
Reached after the meeting, Branthoover said catch basin repairs typically cost between $2,500 and as much as $7,500 depending on several factors and so the grant should cover repairs to approximately 10 to 12 catch basins.
He said he developed the list of the basins needing repair in conjunction with the borough’s Public Works Department and it will be that department’s job to prioritize the basins on the list to determine which are most need of repair.
Branthoover said the grant is from the Gaming Economic Development Tourism Fund paid for by gambling revenues. The GEDTF is administered by the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County and the grant was applied for by the Turtle Creek Valley Council of Governments.
In the next step of the process, Branthoover said the Turtle Creek Valley COG will solicit bids for the repair projects, then tabulate the bids received. It will then be his job to determine from the bids received the lowest responsible bidder and recommend that Wilmerding Borough Council approve that company’s bid.
If all goes as planned, Branthoover said he hopes the entire project will be completed this year.
T.J. Martin is a freelance writer from Trafford whose work has also appeared in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and Irwin Standard Observer.
Originally published February 14, 2024.
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