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Stadium Closed to Public, Open for Activities
District officials concerned about loitering, vandalism
By Jason Togyer
The Tube City Almanac
February 26, 2024
Posted in: McKeesport and Region News

(McKeesport Area School District official photo)
McKeesport Area High School stadium is temporarily closed to the public after a fight last week and several acts of vandalism.
Weigle-Schaeffer Memorial Stadium is still available for official school activities but the walking track and grounds are off-limits for now, said Charley Kiss, district athletic director.
An announcement on the district’s Facebook page Sunday night caused concern for residents who were worried that some serious incident had taken place.
“Due to acts of vandalism and misconduct that compromise safety, the stadium will be temporarily closed as we explore ways to ensure safety for the community,” the social media post said.
“There has been minor wear and tear on the facility due to extensive use,” Kiss said Monday. “The stadium has also become a loitering spot for kids, and without adult supervision the district is uncomfortable with the facility being open to the public at this time.”
School district police Chief Brenda Sawyer said a fight broke out last week among groups of kids who were at the stadium without adults present and with no official purpose.
The incident was reported to McKeesport police, who are investigating, she said.
In some cases, Sawyer said, kids have been loitering at McKeesport’s stadium after school and on weekends from neighboring communities, including Clairton and Duquesne.
Kiss said the stadium is “fully operational” for any school-related event.
“The post on the district's Facebook page implies a more significant situation with vandalism than has actually occurred,” he said.
Originally published February 26, 2024.
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