
Tube City Community Media Inc. is seeking freelance writers to help cover city council, news and feature stories in McKeesport, Duquesne, White Oak and the neighboring communities. High school and college students seeking work experience are encouraged to apply; we are willing to work with students who need credit toward class assignments. Please send cover letter, resume, two writing samples and the name of a reference (an employer, supervisor, teacher, etc. -- not a relative) to tubecitytiger@gmail.com.

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Dress for Success Plans Library Event

By Submitted Report
The Tube City Almanac
June 05, 2024
Posted in: Announcements

(Photo courtesy Dress for Success Pittsburgh via Facebook)

Dress for Success Pittsburgh will hold an event from 1 to 3 p.m. June 17 at the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, 1507 Library Ave., a spokeswoman said.

The non-profit group provides business-ready clothing, shoes and accessories for women and female-identified persons who are applying for jobs and need wardrobe items to attend employment interviews.

Attendees can also receive personal care items, connections to interview and resume support, and other assistance.

Registration in advance is suggested by calling (412) 672-0625 or visiting the library’s website.

Originally published June 05, 2024.

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