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Semper Fi Club Elects New Officers

City-based civic organization proud of 105-year history of service

By Vickie Babyak
The Tube City Almanac
June 11, 2024
Posted in: McKeesport and Region News

New officers sworn in by the Semper Fidelis Club include financial secretary T. Renee Easley of West Mifflin; corresponding secretary Amber Webb of McKeesport; recording secretary Joyce Gwen Thompson of White Oak; president Norine A. Jenkins of White Oak; vice president the Rev. Anica Jones of McKeesport; and parliamentarian V. Fawn Walker of McKeesport. 

One of the city’s longest-running civic organizations is preparing for its 105th year of service.

During a meeting at Penn State Greater Allegheny Campus, members of the Semper Fidelis Scholarship Club inducted new officers, with outgoing club President Jacqueline Blake presiding over the ceremony.

Taking oaths of office were Norine A. Jenkins, president; Anica Paige, vice president; Tia Wanzo, treasurer; T. Renee Easley, financial secretary; Joyce Gwen Thompson, recording secretary; Amber Webb, corresponding secretary; Paula Robinson, chaplain; V. Fawn Walker, parliamentarian; and Joy Simmons, historian.

Blake said thank you to the incoming officers and members for their pledge of service, their commitment, and for the support and love that was shown towards her during her tenure.

Members of McKeesport’s Semper Fi club including chaplain Paula Robinson of McKeesport; Dana Walker, McKeesport; Historian Joy Simmons, McKeesport; outgoing president and chair of the past presidents’ council Jacqueline Blake, McKeesport; and recording secretary Joyce Gwen Thompson of White Oak.

Each year, Semper Fidelis awards three scholarships to graduating high school seniors to help them with their academic endeavors.

The first two scholarships are awarded to students holding the highest GPA and second highest GPA. The newest scholarship assists students with the purchase of textbooks and related supplies.

“The Semper Fidelis Club is proud of its 105-year history of awarding scholarships to graduating seniors who self-identify as being of African American descent,” Jenkins said.

In remarks during the ceremony, Jenkins thanked attendees for their support when she previously served as president, and thanked members for electing her to the position again.

Jenkins encouraged club members to consistently remember the students they assist, Semper Fidelis’ history of scholarship donations, and the club’s dedication to the community.

Vickie Babyak is a photographer and freelance writer from Dravosburg. She may be reached at vbabyak@yahoo.com.

Originally published June 11, 2024.

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