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MASD Makes Personnel, Infrastructure Moves

School board will vote on paving contract and other expenses this week

By Adam Reinherz
The Tube City Almanac
June 11, 2024
Posted in: McKeesport and Region News

(Adam Reinherz photo for Tube City Almanac)

Back to back meetings of the McKeesport Area School District showcased new hires and planned improvements to the district.

During Thursday’s special board meeting, the district approved the hiring of Matthew Mols as assistant to the superintendent. The new position comes with an annual salary of $130,000. Scott Smith was announced as director of building and grounds at an annual salary of $110,000.

During a subsequent open agenda meeting, board members voiced their intention to vote on several upcoming expenses, including paving services and band instruments.

A contract of $747,974 for paving services with Murin and Murn, Inc., of Glassport will be voted on at the meeting on Wednesday (June 12).

Areas to be paved include the high school campus and “all three parking lots in front of the stadium,” board member Jason Pavlecic said.

If approved, the money will be paid out of the district’s capital reserve account, according to board member David Seropian.

Also on next week’s agenda is an action to approve an allocation of $20,000 from the capital reserve account for musical instruments.

The district understands the band instruments are “outdated” and in need of replacement, Pavlecic said.

Many of the instruments are “loaned out to kids that may not be able to afford to buy one and then we get them back at the end of the school year,” he continued. “We’re going to work to try to replenish those moving forward.”

The announcement is “great news for the band,” board member David Donato said. McKeesport defended its title last October when it won the Tournament of Bands 2-O (2-Open) Pennsylvania State Championship.

“The band works just as hard as any athletic team that there is in the country,” board president Mark Holtzman said. “My hat's off to them. I’ve seen them. They do a great job; and, of course, that's how you become a state champion and they're state champions twice.”

Adam Reinherz is a freelance writer. He can be reached at adam.reinherz@gmail.com.

Originally published June 11, 2024.

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