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‘Mr. Vince’: Library Bids Farewell to Director

Board member says departing leader was positive influence of local kids

By Vickie Babyak
The Tube City Almanac
June 24, 2024
Posted in: McKeesport and Region News

Amber Webb and her daughter pose with Vincent D’Alesio on his final day with the library and say their goodbyes. (Vickie Babyak photo for Tube City Almanac)

After nine years of service to Carnegie Library of McKeesport, staff and parents have bid farewell to the man who younger patrons knew as “Mr. Vince.”

Vincent D’Alesio was hired in 2015 by the Carnegie Free Library of McKeesport to fill the role of children's librarian, and in 2021 he was promoted to library director.

After approximately nine years of dedicated service to the library, local schools and communities served by the library, D’Alesio has begun a new community outreach position at the Mars Area Public Library, where he will provide literacy activities for all age groups and do some grant-writing.

Saturday was his final day of work at the McKeesport library.

“I feel I have always done my best when working with a community and my new job has a wide range of responsibilities,” D’Alesio said. “I would like to thank the community and everyone who supported me while I was the children’s librarian, and later on as the library director.”

Library patrons and parents said his departure will leave a void in the community; D’Alesio, they said, was well liked and respected.

McKeesport Councilwoman Amber Webb, a library board member, said D’Alesio has been a positive influence on many children in the area.   

Webb said on a personal level he has had a real impact with her last three children, and the children enrolled in her Center of My Joy daycare. During their visits to the library, the children played, learned, and read many stories together.

“My children and I embrace Mr. Vince, almost like a distant cousin,” she said.

City Councilwoman Amber Webb, a library board member, printed out photographs of D’Alesio as a farewell gift. (Vickie Babyak photo for Tube City Almanac)

Webb wanted to do something special for him, and printed out the numerous photos she had taken over the years of D’Alesio teaching her children about literacy as well as participating with the children in many activities offered through the library.  

“We love him, wish him well in all his endeavors, and wherever D’Alesio goes he will make reading fun and bring smiles to the faces of many,” Webb said.

The Carnegie Library of McKeesport is accepting applications for a library director as well as part-time and full-time clerks. Applications for clerks are available at the front desk in the Carnegie Library of McKeesport, 1507 Library Ave. Requirements for the job postings can be found on the library’s website at https://mckeesportlibrary.org/ or email parrishm@mckeesportlibrary.org.

Vickie Babyak is a photographer and freelance writer from Dravosburg. She may be reached at vbabyak@yahoo.com.

Originally published June 24, 2024.

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