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Transportation Tops Agenda for MASD Board

District assures parents: ‘We are set and ready’

By Adam Reinherz
The Tube City Almanac
August 11, 2024
Posted in: McKeesport and Region News

(McKeesport Area School District photo)

With the 2024-25 school year set to begin, McKeesport Area School District is reassuring parents busing will not be a problem.

During last week’s open agenda meeting, district Superintendent Tia Wanzo said a conversation with Krise Transportation last month established that “We are set and ready.”

According to its website, the transportation provider has open positions for van and bus drivers in McKeesport. Although the company is seeking new hires, Wanzo is confident transportation should proceed relatively smoothly.

“They kept the routes that we had last year and there aren’t many internal changes,” she said.

A lack of alterations doesn’t preclude hiccups, however. With students, parents, staff and drivers eager for the coming days, Wanzo hopes parties remain calm as the school year begins. “Please be patient,” she said.

Later in the meeting, president Mark Holtzman Sr. announced potential improvements to school grounds.

A parking-related project costing $10,000, to be paid for by the capital reserve account, will be voted on next week, he told attendees.

The project will improve the parking areas in front of the high school by applying a sub-base, board member Jason Pavlecic said. “By adding this base we are going to get more length out of the asphalt that was put down.”

The board will similarly vote next week on whether to approve a $98,406 contract, also with Murin and Murn, for additional paving.

“It was discovered that once we paved the majority of high school lots that we originally missed two lots up where the teachers park and where the students park,” Pavlecic said. “There was a debate whether to seal them or pave them.”

Given the lots’ condition, paving was the better choice, he added.

Board members will vote on agenda items during the regular school board on Aug. 13 at 7:30 p.m.

Adam Reinherz is a freelance writer. He can be reached at adam.reinherz@gmail.com.

Originally published August 11, 2024.

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