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Questions About MASD Leadership Unanswered

Board cancels ‘personnel meeting,’ no response from solicitor, district office

By Adam Reinherz
The Tube City Almanac
August 16, 2024
Posted in: McKeesport and Region News

Editor’s Note: This is a developing story and is subject to change.

Who is McKeesport Area School District’s superintendent? Days after community members demonstrated support for MASD Superintendent Tia Wanzo at a school board meeting, rumors swirled regarding the educator’s continued employment with the district.

The school district advertised a special meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday to discuss “personnel” matters, but parents who tried to attend the meeting were told it was canceled.

Calls and messages to board members about Wanzo’s status as superintendent have gone unanswered — as have attempts to reach Wanzo.

A phone call to the superintendent’s office Friday morning resulted in being told to contact solicitor Gary Matta.

The general practice lawyer and equity partner of Dodaro, Matta & Cambest, P.C. did not return messages Thursday evening or Friday morning asking about the status of Wanzo’s employment with MASD and whether the district is issuing a statement.

Wanzo, a McKeesport Area High School graduate who holds a doctorate in Educational Leadership from Duquesne University, became superintendent in July 2022. Earlier positions with the district include assistant superintendent, head principal, assistant principal and second-grade teacher. Wanzo began working in the district in 2001. She is the first Black superintendent in the district’s 140-year history.

This is a developing story.

Adam Reinherz is a Pittsburgh-based writer. He can be reached at adam.reinherz@gmail.com.

Originally published August 16, 2024.

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