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Solicitor: MASD Taking ‘Appropriate’ Action

Special investigation continues into allegations against former guard

By Adam Reinherz
The Tube City Almanac
August 30, 2024
Posted in: McKeesport and Region News

McKeesport Area School District is continuing to investigate matters pertaining to an alleged sexual relationship between a former guard and student.

The guard, Alexis Brown, worked for outside contractor Homeland Intelligence & Protective Services and now faces criminal charges in connection with incidents occurring last year.

“We are still investigating all the concerns with this issue and taking our due diligence to make sure that anyone who was involved in this, and any information that we have about this, is being investigated thoroughly,” Solicitor Gary Matta said in an interview.

Matta would not confirm the rumor that two assistant principals and a teacher have been placed on leave pending the investigation. KDKA-TV reported that a principal also has been placed on leave.

“We are taking the actions that we believe are appropriate,” he said. “The district has and will continue to take the appropriate actions as we obtain information on this issue and any other issue.”

The district is working with the law firm of Dillon, McCandless, King, Coulter & Graham to handle the special investigation.

Matta said the special council began “meeting with additional people who may have information about this occurrence last week.” The district hopes to have the investigation “concluded by the end of next week.”

On Thursday, the Tribune-Review — citing unnamed sources — reported the district attorney’s office was investigating when MASD officials learned about the suspected abuse.

As for any concern about action being taken against the board, Matta said, “Those entities have to do what is their responsibility. If the appropriate law enforcement authorities want to take legal action they should do what they should do. We are taking the actions that we believe are appropriate.”

Matta said he has advised the MASD board not to speak with the media.

“We want to make sure to keep confidential information confidential,” he said.

Adam Reinherz is a Pittsburgh-based journalist. He can be reached at adam.reinherz@gmail.com.

Originally published August 30, 2024.

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