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Tiger Band Brings Smiles With New Show ‘Recess’
MAHS ensemble opens competition Saturday at Penn-Trafford
By Bonnijean Cooney Adams
The Tube City Almanac
September 06, 2024
Posted in: Entertainment, McKeesport and Region News
CORRECTION, NOT PERFECTION: Two students, Deshea Davis and Marek Krol, were incorrectly identified. We apologize for the error.

McKeesport Area High School’s Tiger Band opens tournament competition for the season on Saturday at Penn-Trafford. This year’s show, titled “Recess,” includes use of a swing set as part of the show. (All photos: Bonnijean Adams for Tube City Almanac)
McKeesport Area High School Marching Band’s 2024 show is designed to bring smiles to faces of all ages during “Recess.”
“It was a fun and upbeat concept,” Band Director Drew DeCarlo said, “and most likely was the best time for students when they were in elementary school. We wanted a show this year that everyone would understand.”
He and his staff started their yearly brainstorming sessions in January, DeCarlo said.
“We talked about our strengths and weaknesses for this season, and had many ideas. We didn’t have a nailed-down concept until about March. We all settled on ‘Recess,’” he said.

Musicians make good use of props, including a sliding board, in "Recess."
While the development team had a firm vision in mind, some of the students weren’t quite sure what the show was going to be about when it was first announced. Was it really about spending time on a playground, or was there another meaning to recess?
They shared their views during band camp in August, where a seesaw, swing set, and sliding board already were in place on their practice area.
Cooper Kuchma, who plays baritone, is one of two drum majors.
“It’s all about having fun – not like all the other shows I’ve done,” he said.
With music composed by Randall Standridge and Jason K. Nitsch, Kuchma said he likes the ballad, “because I have a solo on the seesaw,” and the end of the first song.
In addition to Kuchma, DeCarlo said soloists include senior trumpet section leader Trey’von Bowling, Marek Krol on alto saxophone, Lucas Sotereanos on trombone, and Michael Pfeffercorn on baritone.
Senior middle brass section leader Deshea Davis plays mellophone, and said the third song, where he has a solo, is his favorite. “It’s really fast, happy, and a lot of fun,” Davis said.
Junior Pfeffercorn said his solo also is in the third song, and he immediately related to the concept of “Recess.”
“I thought it was really cool,” he said. “I enjoy it a lot. It’s a fun theme, I am a very optimistic person, and I’m really enjoying it so far.”

Sabre specialists, from left, are Ashley Slagle, Savia Kawalski, Jordan Golden and Elizabeth Nemes.
With the Tiger band earning back-to-back state championships in their division the past two years, Pfeffercorn predicted “the chances for a three-peat are pretty high. There are not that many new people this year, and they are learning quickly.”
Color guard member Ionna Wilson said her initial reaction, based just on the title, was “That’s so childish,” but she embraced it as she learned more.
“It’s meant to be fun and playful, reminiscent of elementary and high school days,” Wilson said. She said the growing numbers of color guard are encouraging, more than doubled from her freshman year when there were only six.
Wilson credits the late Mario James (his professional name), who passed away unexpectedly last season, with contributing to that growth, along with color guard director Tori Palermo.
Now in her fourth year with the Tiger Band, Palermo and James worked together previously.
“He always looked for the good things, and when he passed, it was difficult,” Wilson said.
She said it is nice to see color guard gain more support from the community, too.
“You build friendships with other people like you,” Wilson said. “I think I’ve met some of my best friends here.”
Which also reflects on the “Recess” theme and the simple joys of childhood.
“It’s really fast choreography – loud and playful, Wilson said for color guard.
If you go ...
McKeesport Area High School Tiger Band’s 2024 “Recess” show can be seen:
During all of the Friday football games, and:
Saturday, Sept. 7 at Penn-Trafford (Tournament of Bands)
Saturday, Sept. 14 at East Allegheny (TOB)
Saturday, Sept. 21 at Norwin (Pennsylvania Interscholastic Marching Band Association/Bands of America Affiliate Show)
Saturday, Oct. 12 McKeesport Home Show (TOB)
Saturday, Oct. 19 Bands of America, University of Delaware
Saturday, Oct. 26 Pennsylvania TOB State Show at Mansion Park in Altoona

Drum major Antoine Smith (above) conducts the field shows.
“I was kind of skeptical on how it was going to play out,” Smith said. “But now that I’m seeing it all come together, I have a different point of view. I feel like it’s going to be amazing by the end.”
DeCarlo said by the final state competition in Altoona, the band plans to have added many fun things, such as jump ropes, hopscotch, and footballs. First competition is Saturday, Sept. 7, at Penn-Trafford High School.
DeCarlo complimented his student leaders.
“Antoine and Cooper both have been doing a great job and working as a great team all summer,” the band director said. “The entire team of student leaders are tremendous students and young adults, and we are going to have a great season.”
He said section leaders include Marek Krol, Davis, Pfeffercorn, Lucas Sotereanos and Bowling.

Members of the color guard perfect their skills during band camp in August.
Sotereanos said the show’s development has been interesting.
“Some of our shows have been abstract,” he said. “Our show this year is more upbeat. It started out pretty bare bones, but already so much more has been added.”
Krol, the woodwinds section leader, said “Recess” is very different than their shows the past few years. He has a solo during the third song.
“The third song is the high point,” he said. “It was more fun to play this show than in other years.”
For audiences, DeCarlo had some advice. “I would encourage people to come see our show because of the student level of detail that they are putting into the show. Early on, they are pushing us to create detail and greatness into it.
“It is also awesome for these students to be on the national stage in the Bands of America competition at the University of Delaware in late October, and the Tournament of Bands PA State Championship in Altoona as we wrap up our competitive season,” he said.
“Although my favorite events are all of the football games when the entire school community comes together for Friday night lights, and our Home competition, which takes place on Saturday, Oct. 12 this year in our stadium,” DeCarlo said.
Bonnijean Cooney Adams is a freelance contributor. She can be reached at adamsclick@aol.com.
The percussion section of the McKeesport Area Tiger Band focuses on its part of the show during a breakout session.
Originally published September 06, 2024.
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