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East McKeesport Fills Vacant Council Seat

By T.J. Martin
The Tube City Almanac
September 20, 2024
Posted in: East McKeesport News

Mia Hooper (right) recites the oath of office as she is sworn in as East McKeesport’s newest councilperson by Mayor Robert Howard.

East McKeesport Borough Council is back to its full complement of seven members with the appointment last week of new councilperson Mia Hooper.

Hooper was sworn in by Mayor Robert Howard at the council’s September monthly meeting. She replaces Linda Nolan, whose resignation due to a work conflict was announced last month. Her appointment was approved by a vote of 6-0 with Councilman Edgar Ruffolo absent.

A resident of East McKeesport since 2018, Hooper, 34, is the Chief Operating Officer of the Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council.

Asked why she applied for the open seat, Hooper said, “I wanted to get more involved in my community. I’m not going anywhere.”

Originally published September 20, 2024.

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