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Black History Month Event Honors Two Pioneers

Local women broke barriers in area; government leaders present proclamations

By Vickie Babyak
The Tube City Almanac
February 28, 2025
Posted in: McKeesport and Region News

JoAnne Rodgers, the first Black nurse hired by the McKeesport Area School District in 1971 (above) and Arlene Harvey, the first African American to retire from the Carnegie Free Library of McKeesport.

The local women were celebrated during a Black History Month event at McKeesport Regional History & Heritage Center. (Both photos: Vickie Babyak for Tube City Almanac)

Two local women who “dared to be first” were celebrated Saturday during a Black History Month Celebration at McKeesport Regional History & Heritage Center. 

Arlene Harvey and JoAnne Rodgers were guests of honor and received awards during the celebration, organized by McKeesport HBCU Vision, an organization for local alumni of historically Black colleges and universities. 

Harvey was the first African American to retire from the Carnegie Free Library of McKeesport, while in 1971 Rodgers was the first Black nurse to be hired by the McKeesport Area School District.

“I’m honored, it’s been a long time coming, and it was a surprise,” Rodgers said. “I’m thankful that a lot of people came to the ceremony.”

She said there were many challenges getting hired into the school district in the early 1970s, but she had a local physician, Dr. Clifford Bryce, on her side. He was her biggest advocate and recommended her to the school board for employment.

“When I worked with the kids, they really liked me, but when some of the parents found out I was African American, they became upset about that,” Rodgers said.

Harvey said the event was very nice and unexpected. She didn’t know anything about the awards until her daughter told her.

“At first I told my daughter I didn’t want it, but my daughter said I deserve it and that’s why I’m here,” Harvey said.

After Harvey’s husband passed away in 1976, she re-entered the workforce as a teacher’s assistant for 30 years with McKeesport Area School District, and then she was employed with the Carnegie Library of McKeesport where she retired.

Harvey said, “The kids were glad to see me and it gave them someone to talk to.”

Both women have continued to stay active in their communities through outreach programs, the McKeesport NAACP, churches, other local organizations, and clubs.

Family members, friends and local residents attended the award ceremony to show support for the honorees.

Denise Sinkler, founder of McKeesport HBCU Vision, began the program with a welcome presentation, followed with prayer by Elder Twila Lee Wynn.

Youth from Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church of Duquesne present a mime performance. (Vickie Babyak photo for Tube City Almanac)

Entertainment was provided by opera singer Robyn Long, and Michael A. Queen gave a Martin Luther King Jr. speech. Youth from Healthy Village Learning Center and Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church of Duquesne also performed for guests.

U.S Rep. Summer Lee presented both ladies with proclamations from her and Lt. Gov. Austin Davis. 

“I think it’s a wonderful opportunity to come out to McKeesport today, to honor and recognize two incredible women who have been lifelong women of service, and history makers,” Lee said. “It makes me happy to present awards to Ms. Arlene and Ms. JoAnne, and to see their own community honor them, it’s heartwarming.”

Vickie Babyak is a photographer and freelance writer from Dravosburg. She may be reached at vbabyak@yahoo.com.

Originally published February 28, 2025.

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