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Expert to Discuss Medicare Payment Changes at Free Talk Oct. 12
By Submitted Report
The Tube City Almanac
September 28, 2016
Posted in: Announcements
In an attempt to control rising healthcare costs, the U.S. Congress directed the Department of Health and Human Services to create an "innovation center" that would test new ways of delivering medical treatment --- and new ways of paying for that treatment --- for people on Medicare, Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program.
But what do these new "innovation models" mean for senior citizens who are receiving Medicare benefits? Cindy Gensamer, a vice president of Ohio-based Absolute Rehabilitation and Consulting Services Inc., will come to McKeesport to deliver a free talk entitled "Medicare Innovation Payment Models: What does that really mean for the senior with Medicare coverage?"
The talk, at 12 noon Oct. 12, is sponsored by the family council at Kane Regional Center, 101 Ninth Ave., McKeesport, as part of their family education series, a spokeswoman said. Light refreshments will be served.
Absolute Rehabilitation provides hospice care, skilled nursing, home health care and other services. Gensamer is a graduate of Malone University in Canton, Ohio, and a licensed nursing home administrator who regularly speaks to groups about managing successful rehabilitation facilities.
The event is free and open to the public, but advance registration is suggested. Call (412) 675-8621 or email Kelly Serena at kelly.serena@alleghenycounty.us for more information.
Originally published September 28, 2016.
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