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Students Shine During School Board Presentations
By Mary Shelly
The Tube City Almanac
March 29, 2017
Posted in: McKeesport and Region News
Above: Shia Ethridge, 7, a student at Francis McClure, reads "Wake Me in Spring" by James Preller to School Director Ivan Hampton. (Photo by Mary Shelly, special to Tube City Almanac)
Fourteen first-graders from throughout McKeesport Area School District attended the March 22 board meeting in celebration of "Read Across America Day."
Introduced as "fluent readers" by Pamela Gordon, coordinator of elementary curriculum/instruction, each student read one-on-one with a board director as a slideshow of the students played for the crowd to see.
All of the students were wearing a handmade hat resembling the one in "The Cat in the Hat."
Board President Joseph Lopretto filled the room with laughter as he asked the first graders, "Where's my hat at?"
Shortly following the first graders, the cast of McKeesport Area High School's musical, "Cinderella," performed two selections from their upcoming show in early April.
"How do I follow up after that?" Lopretto said. "I was having a hard time following up after the first graders."
Superintendent Rula Skezas then gave her report. Skezas reported on many events occurring in the district such as the Music In Our Schools Concert earlier this month and a yoga session with the Pre-K students.
Freelance writer Mary Shelly is a junior at McKeesport Area High School.
Originally published March 29, 2017.
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