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City Business Named One of World's Top 100 Music Merchants

By Submitted Report
The Tube City Almanac
May 15, 2017
Posted in: Announcements

Above: McKeesport Area High School principal Tom Bauman; band director Drew DeCarlo; orchestra director Sarah Persin; and Mark Despotakis, director of market development for Progressive Music. The National Association of Music Merchants last week recognized McKeesport Area School District as one of the best communities in the country for music education; Despotakis helped to present the award. (Photo courtesy Progressive Music)

McKeesport-based Progressive Music Company has been named one of the Top 100 musical instrument dealers in the world by the National Association of Music Merchants, a spokesman said.

NAMM, the worldwide association of stores that sell music and related products, will formally present the award to Progressive Music on July 14 at the Summer NAMM Show in Nashville, Tenn.

It's the fifth time that Progressive Music, which recently celebrated its 70th anniversary, has been named to the Top 100 list. The company is located on Fifth Avenue, Downtown.

The company is "honored" to make the list during its anniversary year, said Mark Despotakis, director of market development for Progressive.

Joe Lamond, president and chief executive officer of NAMM, said the association's Top 100 list celebrates dealers and stores that have made a committment "to their communities, their staff and the industry" to welcome and inspire musicians.

“At the heart of Progressive Music, there is a story of inspiration, dedication and a pursuit to create a more musical world,” Lamond said in a statement.

Founded in March 1947, Progressive Music was selected this year as a Top 100 dealer by an independent panel of judges who reviewed hundreds of submissions, a NAMM spokesperson said. Each submission was numerically rated across categories that included customer service, music advocacy, store design and promotions and were scored in accordance to determine the Top 100 list.

In addition to its honor as a Top 100 Dealer, Progressive Music will be in consideration to receive a “Best Of” award in categories such as customer service, store design, marketing and sales promotion, online engagement and store turnaround.

At the July 14 ceremony, NAMM also will honor recipients with its "Music Makes a Difference" and "Dealer of
the Year" awards.

Originally published May 15, 2017.

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