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Port Authority Still Seeking Comments on BRT Proposal

By Staff Reports
The Tube City Almanac
December 04, 2017
Posted in: Announcements

Port Authority of Allegheny County is continuing to accept comments on its proposal to create a bus rapid transit, or BRT, loop between the downtown and Oakland sections of the city of Pittsburgh.

The project would speed access through Pittsburgh's congested Fifth and Forbes avenues corridor, with buses on dedicated bus lanes running every three to five minutes during peak hours.

But the plan would result in serious changes to the 61 A, B and C bus routes that serve Homestead, Braddock, Duquesne and McKeesport, as well as to the 71-series buses to Wilkinsburg and Point Breeze. The 61C route, which currently connects McKeesport with downtown Pittsburgh via Homestead and Squirrel Hill, would terminate in Oakland, and riders would transfer to the BRT loop for the rest of their journey.

Transit agency spokesman Adam Brandolph says comments are being accepted via email at brt@portauthority.org or by going to the Port Authority's website.

(Architect's rendering of bus rapid transit lanes courtesy Port Authority of Allegheny County.)

Originally published December 04, 2017.

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