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Duquesne Mayor Seeks Applications for New Commission

By Cami DiBattista
The Tube City Almanac
January 29, 2018
Posted in: Duquesne News

Duquesne Mayor Nickole Nesby and city council are creating a Health and Human Service Commission and are asking for residents to participate.

Nesby said the new commission will attempt to address services currently lacking in the community.

Council is also soliciting applications from members of the community to actively participate in boards that oversee redevelopment, zoning, commercial and industrial development, the library and any other area that needs to be addressed.

Applications to volunteer are available at City Hall, Nesby said.

In other business, new police Chief Tom Dunlevy reported that after two officers left the department, civil-service testing has been completed by several candidates. He asked council to offer full-time positions to Emory Stofferahn and Benjamin Druskin, pending background checks.

The following motions were proposed and carried 4-0 during the Jan.  9 meeting:

  • A motion to have the City Solicitor prepare all necessary documents to set the rate for the earned income tax ordinance for 2018.
  • A motion to create an ordinance to establish rates, fees and penalties for rental properties.
  • A motion to create a vehicle-use policy for the mayor and council to attend official city events and affairs.
  • A motion to allow the municipal manager to receive training and technical assistance offered by the state’s department of community and economic development free of charge to the city.

During the public comment portion of the meeting, David Marshall, president of West Mifflin Area School Board, addressed the mayor and council to congratulate them and wish the new administration well.

Originally published January 29, 2018.

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