White Oak Legion Schedules Oldies Dances

May 22, 2018 |

By Submitted Report | Posted in: Announcements, White Oak News

DJs Candy and Mike will spin the tunes on May 26 and June 16 when American Legion Gen. Smedley D. Butler Post 701 in White Oak holds its next oldies dances.

Doors open at 7 p.m. and music continues until 11 p.m., a spokesman said. Admission is $5 and all proceeds benefit veterans' programs.

The legion is located at 2813 Capital St. For more information, call (724) 984-6611.


Authority Seeks Solution for White Oak Sewer Backups

May 09, 2018 |

By Jason Togyer | Posted in: White Oak News

Officials at the Municipal Authority of Westmoreland County are working on a solution to sewer backups that have repeatedly flooded the basements of several White Oak homeowners.

John Palyo, borough manager, said the problem in the area of Vermont and Ohio avenues is particularly acute during wet weather and following heavy rainstorms.

White Oak sold its sewer lines to the Westmoreland authority --- which also provides water to McKeesport, Port Vue, White Oak and several neighboring Allegheny County communities --- several years ago, Palyo said.

And although Pennsylvania American Water Co. now owns the McKeesport sewage treatment plant, Gary Lobaugh, a spokesman for the water company, said it only treats White Oak's wastewater --- it doesn't maintain the underground lines in the borough.

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Correction, Not Perfection

May 09, 2018 |

By Jason Togyer | Posted in: Announcements, White Oak News

Due to an editing error, a story published May 1 about a White Oak borough council meeting was incorrect.

Although White Oak's wastewater is treated by Pennsylvania-American Water Co. at the McKeesport treatment plant, the sewer lines themselves are owned and maintained by the Municipal Authority of Westmoreland County, and have been for several years, according to borough manager John Palyo and Gary Lobaugh, spokesman for the water company.

The mistake was made in editing and was not the fault of the writer. I apologize for the error.

-- Jason Togyer, editor and executive director

Tube City Almanac corrects all known errors of fact, promptly. If you think a news article is factually incorrect and needs to be corrected, please email tubecitytiger@gmail.com or call (412) 614-9659.


Short: Education is Key to the American Dream

May 03, 2018 |

By Josh Rizzo | Posted in: McKeesport and Region News, Sports, White Oak News

(Photo: Penn State Greater Allegheny, via Twitter)

Brandon Short sees the world much more clearly now that he lives in London.

Having a broader world view has strengthened the 40-year-old McKeesport native’s belief in the concept of the American Dream.

That’s why it was important for Short to espouse the importance of higher education in front of a crowd of 110 people during a talk at the Crossing Bridges Summit Wednesday night at Penn State Greater Allegheny’s Wunderley Gymnasium.

Despite some of the country’s flaws, Short believes everyone has a chance for upward mobility. Short, who had a seven-year career in the NFL with the New York Giants and Carolina Panthers from 2000-06, is running for a spot on Penn State University’s Board of Trustees.

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White Oak Officials Prepare for Opening of Heritage Pool

May 01, 2018 |

By Cami DiBattista | Posted in: Announcements, White Oak News

(*CORRECTION -- This story was corrected on May 9, 2018.)

White Oak officials and managers of Heritage Hill Pool are preparing for the 2018 season.

At April's meeting, council established a rate of $60 per resident for a season pass or $100 for a nonresident.

The pool is scheduled to open May 28 (Memorial Day), and will be open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., seven days per week, weather permitting.

Council is considering a request from the White Oak Swim Team Board requesting permission to place a storage shed on the pool grounds and to sell and hang fundraising banners on the fence of the complex. A decision will be reached at a later date, officials said.

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White Oak Slates Clean-Up Day April 28

April 26, 2018 |

By Cami DiBattista | Posted in: Announcements, White Oak News

The annual White Oak Borough spring clean-up is slated for 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday (April 28) at the Heritage Hill Pavilion. Volunteers are welcome to participate and are encouraged to come at 9:30 a.m. to prepare for the event.

The purpose of the event is to remove litter and debris from roadside and to increase public awareness of litter problems in the borough, Councilman Lou Bender said.

Volunteers will be issued safety clothing and rescue and police vehicles will travel with groups to ensure safety.

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Library, Director Recognized by White Oak Council

April 23, 2018 |

By Cami DiBattista | Posted in: White Oak News

White Oak Mayor Ina Jean Marton and borough council recently recognized the Carnegie Library of McKeesport with a proclamation in honor of National Library Week, April 8 to 14.

At council's meeting, Marton also introduced Colleen Denne, the recently appointed library director.

The White Oak branch of the Carnegie Library of McKeesport, located at 169 Victoria Dr., is open to the public 2 to 10 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays, 2 to 6 p.m. Wednesdays and Thursdays and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays.

In other business, outgoing Councilman Sean Robb discussed preparations for the 2018 season at Heritage Hill Pool, and said the Parks and Recreation Committee recently met with the pool's management team.

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School Employees Get Emergency Training During 'Stop the Bleed' Sessions

April 21, 2018 |

By Staff Reports | Posted in: McKeesport and Region News, White Oak News

(All photos: Vickie Babyak, special to Tube City Almanac)

Teachers and staff at McKeesport Area School District are learning how to provide emergency help until first responders arrive at four "Stop the Bleed" sessions.

The third session was presented for employees at McKeesport Area High School on Thursday. Techniques were taught by representatives of UPMC Pre-Hospital Care and Trauma Care, as well as McKeesport Ambulance Rescue Service and White Oak EMS.

"It's part of our ongoing efforts to ensure the safety of our students," said Tom Bauman, associate principal at the high school.

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White Oak Councilman Resigns; Borough Updates Ordinances

April 20, 2018 |

By Cami DiBattista | Posted in: White Oak News

White Oak Councilman Sean Robb announced his resignation at Monday’s borough council meeting, saying that he has accepted a business opportunity that will require him to spend most of his time outside of Pennsylvania.

“I feel the residents of the borough deserve to have a full and fair representation of all their council members, therefore I am submitting my resignation,” Robb said.

Under the state’s borough code, council will have 30 days to appoint a replacement to fill Robb's term until the next municipal election.

In other business, council amended the borough's zoning ordinance to permit medical marijuana, and amended the part of the ordinance governing oil and gas drilling operations.

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White Oak Legion Slates Oldies Dances

April 18, 2018 |

By Submitted Report | Posted in: Announcements, White Oak News

White Oak American Legion Post 701 will hold oldies dances from 7 to 11 p.m. May 19 and 26, a spokesman said.

Music will be provided by DJs Candy and Mike. Admission is $5 and all proceeds benefit veterans' programs.

The legion is located at 2813 Capital St. For more information, call (724) 984-6611.


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