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Homestead Grays Bridge Paving Begins Today
By Submitted Report
The Tube City Almanac
May 13, 2019
Posted in: Announcements
Mon-Yough commuters who use the Homestead Grays Bridge should expect delays this week.
An Allegheny County spokeswoman said paving begins at 7 p.m. tonight and is expected to continue until 6 a.m. May 19, weather permitting.
The bridge will be reduced to one lane in each direction between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m. during those operations. There will be alternating lane closures and the ramps to the bridge will be closed during part of the work, the county spokeswoman said. Drivers should be on alert for changing traffic patterns, the spokeswoman said. Police will be directing traffic.
When the West Fifth Avenue ramp is closed, traffic will be detoured using West Waterfront Drive, East Waterfront Drive, Amity Street, and East Eighth Avenue. When the East Fifth Avenue ramp is closed, traffic will be detoured using Amity Street and East Eighth Avenue.
The overall bridge preservation project, which includes structural steel repairs, drainage repairs, barrier and deck repairs, and asphalt paving with line stripping, began March 25 and is expected to end later this month, the spokeswoman said.
After this week’s milling and paving operations are complete, the bridge will be reduced to one lane in each direction between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. Monday through Friday, and there are not expected to be further ramp closures for the remainder of the project.
Pedestrians will continue to have access to the bridge’s sidewalks, which aren’t impacted by the work, the county spokeswoman said.
The work is being performed by Advantage Steel & Construction in cooperation with the state Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration under a $2.5 million project to preserve and improve the bridge.
Originally published May 13, 2019.
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