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St. Sava Slates Lenten Fish Fries

By Submitted Report
The Tube City Almanac
February 15, 2021
Posted in: Announcements

St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church, 901 Hartman St., will hold lenten fish fries on Fridays, beginning Feb. 19 and continuing through March 12.

All meals are take-out only and must be pre-ordered.

Pre-orders are being taken Sundays through Wednesdays by calling (412) 469-2955. Payment must be made by credit card, a spokeswoman said.

Fish sandwich ($8), french fries ($3) and haluski ($3) will be available every week.

The menu for Feb. 19 includes macaroni and cheese ($3) and lima bean soup ($3).

For Feb. 26, Spanish rice ($3) and chili with meat ($3) will be available,

Macaroni & cheese ($3) and bean & sauerkraut soup ($3) will be available March 5 and Spanish rice ($3) and potato soup ($3) will be available March 12.

Baked goods available each week will be apple strudel ($4), palachinka ($2) and nut rolls ($4).

Originally published February 15, 2021.

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