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Duquesne Council Approves Mele Plans

By Tom Leturgey
The Tube City Almanac
June 29, 2022
Posted in: Duquesne News

A Braddock-based construction company has final approval to move into the Duquesne industrial park.

At its June meeting, city council approved plans for Mele & Mele & Sons to move into RIDC City Center of Duquesne.

Founded nearly 50 years ago as A.A. Mele & Sons, Mele & Mele & Sons specializes in excavation, heavy highway construction, water and wastewater treatment, and asphalt paving and milling. The move was first proposed in late 2020.

Mele & Mele is not the only company interested in the industrial park. Mayor R. Scott Adams noted that the city is one of the “two or three finalists” for an unnamed battery company to move into Duquesne.

In other business, city council granted permission for a two-day revival to be held July 28 and 29 at Polish Hill Park by New Event Ministries. In addition, a craft show will be held July 30.

Council discussed whether a nominal fee should be requested as a deposit to cover cleaning as well as general maintenance following events. Councilman Aaron Adams suggested a fee be waived for groups renting the park for “community” events, but ultimately it was decided that officials would discuss the matter with other municipalities before suggesting a fee schedule.

Adams reminded residents that door-to-door solicitors in Duquesne require permits. Salespeople supposedly representing Verizon have been reported working in the city.

“As long as I’ve been involved (since 1988), we’ve needed a permit for solicitation,” he said.

Duquesne’s Veteran Recognition Program is currently accepting applications. The program provides a banner to recognize veterans of the armed services with ties to the city. For more information, call (412) 713-9332.

In her Public Works Department report, Councilwoman Elaine Washington said that crews are working on a viable pothole, vegetation spray and trash clean up schedule. She is also hoping to organize volunteer groups for the clean up. Public works added that city hall and the playground will be re-mulched soon.

Adams said in the Water Report that the fire hydrant replacement program, as well as the water meter repair and replacement programs are ongoing.

City Engineer LaFranz Hemphill of Glenn Engineering said that select road paving projects are running behind.

Hemphill also said that officials are assessing vacant homes and properties in the city. They are reaching out to Habitat for Humanity and other groups to see about demolishing some properties and improving others.

Councilman Derek Artim, who was recently appointed to council, discussed going over the city’s books and accounts with City Manager Kelly Robertson and Solicitor Myron Sainovich.

Fire Chief Frank Cobb noted that the much-anticipated 105-foot ladder truck had been delivered to the department.

Tom Leturgey is a freelance writer based in Pittsburgh and the editor of KSWA Digest, the online news and features home of the Keystone State Wrestling Alliance.

Originally published June 29, 2022.

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