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Library Hosts Lunch, Local Poet on Friday

By Submitted Report
The Tube City Almanac
September 15, 2022
Posted in: Announcements

(Submitted photo via Twitter)

Carnegie Library of McKeesport will host a “lunch on the lawn” Friday as part of its continuing celebration of “Love Your Library Month,” then will welcome local poet Kristofer Collins, who will read some of his work.

A spokesperson said the Sept. 16 lunch begins at 11 a.m. and will feature quiche, salad and a beverage. Funnel cakes also will be available for an additional $5. Events will be held outside, weather-permitting.

At 2 p.m., Collins will read from his work. He is the editor of the Pittsburgh Book Review, books editor at Pittsburgh Magazine, a contributor to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and co-host of the Summer Poetry Series at Hemingway’s in Oakland.

Collins is the author of the 2019 book “The River is Another Kind of Prayer.” His latest collection, “Roundabout Trace,” was released earlier this year.

The reading is free and open to the public.

The next lunch, on Sept. 23, will feature chicken, egg and tuna salad croissant sandwiches. For more information, call (412) 672-0625 or visit www.mckeesportlibrary.org.

Originally published September 15, 2022.

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