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Applications for Mail-In Ballots Being Accepted

By Submitted Report
The Tube City Almanac
June 13, 2024
Posted in: Announcements

Applications for absentee and mail-in ballots for the upcoming Nov. 5 election are now available, an Allegheny County spokesperson announced.

Voters across the state can access and complete the applications for mail-in and absentee ballots.

The county Elections Division said it encourages all eligible voters who have not already applied to use the online application process to ensure timely receipt of their ballots. Voters should apply early to avoid any potential delays, the spokesperson added.

In addition to electing a president, voters will be selecting a U.S. senator, members of the U.S. House of Representatives, and members of the Pennsylvania General Assembly and State Senate.

Voters are also being reminded that if they applied online or by paper form before the primary election to receive mail-in ballots for the rest of this year, a second application is not needed. Voters who are unsure of their status may apply again. If they were already approved to receive a mail-in ballot, they may receive an email notification that their application was declined because it was a duplicate. A “declined” status due to a duplicate application does not affect eligibility to receive the mail-in ballot or to vote by mail.

Voters can also check the status of their application for a mail-in or absentee ballot at the state’s website. Voters should allow at least three business days for processing before checking status.

For more information or to access the online ballot application, please visit www.vote.pa.gov.

Originally published June 13, 2024.

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