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MASD Board Accepts Superintendent’s Resignation
Public, residents express frustration during meeting
By Adam Reinherz
The Tube City Almanac
August 23, 2024
Posted in: McKeesport and Region News
Related Story: Acting MASD Leader Hired, Search to Begin Soon
Tia Wanzo was sworn in as McKeesport Area School District’s superintendent in 2022 by Magisterial District Judge Eugene Riazzi. Wanzo has resigned effective Nov. 13, the district’s solicitor announced last night. (McKeesport Area School District photo)
After a contentious meeting marked by public frustration, McKeesport Area School District solicitor Gary Matta announced that the board had agreed to a separation agreement with Superintendent Tia Wanzo.
Matta, who delivered his comments after the meeting was adjourned, said that he and Wanzo’s attorney worked on the separation agreement for one week beginning the “day after the last meeting.”
During Thursday’s special board meeting neither Matta nor the board shared details regarding that separation agreement. During a hearing of citizens, several McKeesport residents voiced support of Wanzo. After that portion of the meeting concluded, the board approved agenda item “5.3 Resignation,” which called for a board action to accept the separation agreement for employee #2584. The action was approved.
Following the meeting’s adjournment, Matta confirmed that the employee was Wanzo.
When asked by a reporter from Tube City Almanac when the district will make a public announcement about the separation agreement, Matta apologized and told the room, “Before everybody leaves, if I may, excuse me, I was supposed to read a public statement, and unfortunately, I did not, and I'm going to read it now.”
Matta then said: “I'd like to take this time to inform you of the status of Dr. Tia Wanzo. Dr. Tia Wanzo has requested a leave of absence from the district effective Aug. 14, 2024 until Nov. 13, 2024 at which time Dr. Wanzo will resign as superintendent of the McKeesport Area School District.”
Matta’s comments were met with frustration.
Retired Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice Cynthia Ackron Baldwin, who attended last night’s meeting, said Matta’s announcement was problematic.
“It wasn't during the meeting so therefore nobody could respond,” she said. “I'm not in that room back there [the board’s meeting room], so I don't know what's going on.
“All I know is that as a resident in the school district the process should be correct,” Baldwin said. “And if it was correct, then during the meeting you should have told all of these people who stood up and were speaking in favor of Dr. Wanzo, here's a public statement, ‘Not only is she on leave, but she's going to resign.’ I don't know why that mistake was made, but I do know this, that if they had heard that, there would be a line at that microphone speaking in favor. And that's what I'm saying: The process has to be correct.”
McKeesport resident Gretchen Lowery said she too was bothered by the board’s behavior.
“Tonight's meeting was not handled properly. It was all handled according to how the school board wanted it to turn out,” she said. “They're using things like confidentiality as a way to not tell the real truth, and they're doing all these things because that's what they wanted to do, and the ‘they’ is the school board.”
Fellow McKeesport resident Ruthie Andrews-Buckner called the process “unfair” and said the board is operating with a “hidden agenda.”
“They brought it to the floor tonight, and what's been done God will eventually take the lid off. It may not happen right now, but it will happen,” she said. “They know what they did tonight was not right, and I do not understand how they can sleep at night.
“I really do not understand how they can do that, knowing what they're doing to an individual (Wanzo) that's been good to the City of McKeesport, to the McKeesport Area School District, someone that has brought lots of programs into the school district, has worked on bringing a number of grants into the school district, the kids love her, the parents love her.”
“Nobody is perfect, that's the thing. Nobody is perfect,” Andrews-Buckner continued. “Everybody makes mistakes. Even if a mistake was done — we don't even know that for sure — because as they stated, they can't disclose anything about personnel. So once again, I'm waiting for God to show the city of McKeesport and McKeesport Area School District exactly what's happening here. Some of us already see it.”
Later Thursday evening Matta offered an explanation as to the board’s silence.
“I always instruct that the board should not comment on personnel issues,” he said.
As for his perception of Thursday’s meeting, Matta said, “If you review the separation agreement, you will see that there was a statement in there. There wasn't an agenda item for the solicitor to speak, and I forgot to do it. I thought it was right to make the comment for whoever was still here. I wish I would have made it during the board meeting. But the comment that I gave you is a comment that is in part of the separation agreement.”
Adam Reinherz is a Pittsburgh-based writer. He can be reached at adam.reinherz@gmail.com.
Originally published August 23, 2024.
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