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Acting MASD Leader Hired, Search to Begin Soon

Wanzo on leave; MASD attorney says reasons can’t be disclosed

By Adam Reinherz
The Tube City Almanac
August 23, 2024
Posted in: McKeesport and Region News

Related Story: MASD Board Accepts Superintendent’s Resignation

Leadership at McKeesport Area School District is becoming slightly more clear. During Thursday’s special board meeting, the board approved the hiring of William Pettigrew as acting superintendent.

Pettigrew will be paid at a rate of $650 per day, $100 per week for expenses and $110 per month for cell phone expenses. According to published reports, he is the former longtime superintendent of the Mars Area School District and holds a doctorate from Penn State University.

Prior to the board’s approval, District Solicitor Gary Matta announced during a hearing of citizens that MASD Superintendent Tia Wanzo is on “a leave of absence. She had requested that leave of absence. She will be on that leave of absence for 90 days and I can’t tell you the reason due to confidentiality.”

Matta added that Wanzo has full salary and benefits during her 90-day leave of absence.

In June, the board hired Matthew Mols, a former assistant principal and director of the Career & Technology Center at McKeesport Area High School, as assistant to the superintendent.

During a hearing of citizens Thursday evening, Retired Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice Cynthia Ackron Baldwin questioned Mols’ hiring.

Did Wanzo request “an assistant superintendent? That would be different,” Ackron Baldwin said.

“The board felt it would be better to hire an assistant to the superintendent,” Matta replied.

Baldwin said she tried locating information about Mols’ salary but was unable to find figures online.  

Mols said he makes $130,000 per year.

After Wanzo took a leave of absence — but prior to Pettigrew’s hiring — Mols served as acting superintendent. Baldwin asked about Mols’ credentials relative to the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s superintendent requirements.

“To be an acting superintendent, you could be appointed acting superintendent for one year. I believe that Mr. Mols is in the process of finalizing his superintendent certifications,” Matta said following the meeting.

The solicitor added that Pettigrew will serve as the “acting superintendent until the board moves forward finding the replacement.”

The process for hiring a replacement will be determined “in the next few months,” Matta said. “Dr. Wanzo is on leave. She's resigning effective Nov. 13. So in some time period from now till then, we'll start that process.”

Adam Reinherz is a Pittsburgh-based writer. He can be reached at adam.reinherz@gmail.com.

Originally published August 23, 2024.

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