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Board Accused of Fiddling While Schools ‘On Fire’

Community asks for greater involvement in the process

By Adam Reinherz
The Tube City Almanac
September 14, 2024
Posted in: McKeesport and Region News

Rev. Richard Truss testifies during Thursday’s McKeesport Area School District board meeting. (Screenshot from YouTube)

The loss of the superintendent, the arrest of the school police chief, and an investigation of multiple employees are taking their toll on McKeesport Area School District, one community leader said on Thursday.

“This city is on fire,” Rev. Richard Truss, pastor of Zion Baptist Church, told the school board. “The city is on fire, and you all are like Nero fiddling around while the city burns.”

At Thursday’s meeting, the board began filling administrative and other staffing holes. The district agreed to hire Albert Educational Consulting to conduct a superintendent search not to exceed $10,000.

The consulting firm is headed by Edward Albert, a former superintendent, who according to his resume has conducted “several superintendent searches throughout Pennsylvania.”

Questions raised during Thursday’s hearing of citizens concerned the public’s involvement in the district’s search for a new superintendent.

“Are there plans, or is there any idea of including the citizens in that process,” McKeesport resident Rev. Richard Truss asked. “I know that we can't legislate, but we need to be aware of what's going on.”

Truss lamented the district’s failure to keep “two homegrown superintendents.”

Losing both Tia Wanzo and Mark Holtzman Jr. is “ridiculous,” Truss said. The board must understand that “we as concerned citizens, our opinions are valued, that we are cognizant of what's going on, and that we are involved in the process.”

The McKeesport resident said the community is “not here to try to legislate to take anybody's job, but we have a sincere desire to see our kids educated properly and fully.”

Following the meeting, Solicitor Gary Matta said the consultant will heed citizens’ concerns.

“He does get public input through surveys, meetings and so forth, and that will all be provided to the board,” Matta said.

Albert’s searches have occurred “all over,” the solicitor continued. “He does a very nice job.”

Though the district’s contract with Albert Educational Consulting is for $10,000, its duration will span “until we get a new superintendent,” Matta said. “How long that process takes? It's shorter and longer in every district.”

During Thursday’s meeting, the board also agreed to hire Raymond Andrekanic as acting police chief at a salary of $85,000 (pro-rated) and benefits per a 12-month employee in accordance with the Act 93 contract, pending review by Matta. 

Andrekanic said he formerly spent 25 years with Pennsylvania state police and seven years with Gateway School District.

“I'm happy and proud to be able to serve in McKeesport Area School District,” he said. “I’ve been a lifelong resident of the district.”

Andrekanic will replace Brenda Sawyer. The former district police chief was arrested last week following a months-long investigation into mishandling of funds during her time as regional director of narcotics investigations for the state Attorney General’s Office.

Throughout Thursday’s meeting several citizens expressed dismay about the district’s instability.

“We're dealing with that,” Andrekanic said after the meeting. “I think we come together as a community.”

After the board approved the hiring of Sandra Sabot as a part-time public relation consultant at a rate of $50 per hour, not to exceed 10 hours per week and $26,000 a year, McKeesport resident and Retired Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice Cynthia Baldwin asked whether anyone was previously serving that role.

Matta said administrators have been helping out, but no one has performed the public relations task on a full-time basis for at least 6-8 months.

Assistant to the superintendent Matthew Mols said Sabot “will work with the administrative team to highlight some much needed positive news from the school district.”

Baldwin remarked, “Let me remind you that in order to highlight positive news we have to make positive news.”

Adam Reinherz is a Pittsburgh-based writer. He can be reached at adam.reinherz@gmail.com.

Originally published September 14, 2024.

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