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Christy Park UMC Slates October Events
By Submitted Report
The Tube City Almanac
October 16, 2016
Posted in: Announcements
Christy Park United Methodist Church has slated events for the last week of October, including a pancake breakfast, a cooking class for kids, and a "trunk-or-treat" event on Halloween.
"Kid's Kitchen" will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. Oct. 26 at the church, corner of 29th and Beale streets, McKeesport, a spokeswoman said. If your child likes to bake, come to the church for an evening of fun.
A pancake breakfast and bake sale will be held from 8 a.m. to 12 noon Oct. 29.
"Trunk or Treat" will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Oct. 31 and children of "all ages" are welcome to participate. There will be hot chocolate, candy, hot dogs and "maybe even a trick or two." There is no charge for the event but children should be accompanied by a grown-up.
For more information about the church, call (412) 678-3110, or visit them on Facebook.
Originally published October 16, 2016.
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