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Fire Station, LaRosa Club Improvements OK’d

By Tom Leturgey
The Tube City Almanac
September 11, 2022
Posted in: McKeesport and Region News

McKeesport City Council approved a resolution to enter into a grant agreement for improvements to Fire Station No. 2 in Renziehausen Park.

At this month’s meeting, council by 6-0 vote approved an application for the Keystone Communities Program Grant through the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development. The application for the $25,000 grant is being facilitated through state Senator Jim Brewster’s office, city officials said. Councilman James Barry Jr. was absent.

Community Development Director A.J. Tedesco and City Administrator Thomas Maglicco are working on the grant proposal. Garvin Consulting is donating some engineering services toward the project.

A preliminary budget estimates that $3,000 will be needed for kitchen upgrades, $18,500 for living area upgrades, $3,000 for fitness equipment and $500 for miscellaneous spending. The fire station is located along Eden Park Boulevard.

The plan includes removing a wall to expand the living room area, design, build and furnish a kitchen area with new cabinets, countertops and appliances. Officials hope to start work on the project within three months.

Council awarded a bid — not to exceed $316,499 — to Datamatrix Systems, Inc. for computer system improvements at the LaRosa Youth Club on Ravine Street. The work will be performed with federal Community Development Block Grant, or CDBG, funding.

The club will purchase laptops, iPads/tablets, printers, smartboards, etc; upgrade the computer network hard and software, upgrade the center Wi-Fi internet and more. According to the bid proposal, work is to be completed within 60 days. The resolution passed 4-1-1, with Councilman Timothy Brown voting no; Councilwoman LuEthel Nesbit abstained because she is a LaRosa Youth Club board member.

Council entered into an agreement with Cargill, Inc. for a road salt contract. Officials noted that 1,800 ton of road salt is currently on hand and the new pact is good for $4,000 more.

In other city news, council approved a contract with Pest B Gone as the lowest-bid third-party rodent control professional contractor. Residents will provide a $50 deposit for each trap, and once wildlife (such as raccoons and groundhogs) is picked up, the deposit will be refunded. Pest B Gone provided a $1,600 per month bid for services.

Tom Leturgey is a freelance writer based in Pittsburgh and the editor of KSWA Digest, the online news and features home of the Keystone State Wrestling Alliance.

Originally published September 11, 2022.

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